Program – no links

Provisional schedule. Note that all timings are in Central European Time (CET)

The full program including links to paper and poster pdfs is available here. Registered attendees and authors receives the password to access this page.

The ACM Proceedings are available here

Wednesday November 10th

[9:30am-9:45am] Welcoming session

[9:45am-10:55am] 1-Virtual Reality Paper Session

Chair: Pujana Paliyawan

Ego-Interaction: Visual Hand-Object Pose Correction for VR Experiences
Catherine Taylor, Murray Evans, Eleanor Crellin, Martin Parsons, Darren Cosker
University of Bath

On Assessing the Impact of Mixed Reality Immersion on Presence and Embodiment
Alexandre Abbey, Thibault Porssut, Bruno Herbelin and Ronan Boulic

VR Natural Walking in Impossible Spaces
Daniel Lochner, James Gain
University of Cape Town

(TVCG Paper) Performance Improvement and Skill Transfer in Table Tennis Through Training in Virtual Reality
Hawkar Oagaz, Breawn Schoun, Min-Hyung Choi
University of Colorado

[11:00am-12:00pm] Keynote Speaker – Caecilia Charbonnier

Chair: Karan Singh


[2:00pm-3:25pm]2-Learning Paper Session

Chair: Eric Patterson

GarMatNet: A Learning-based Method for Predicting 3D Garment Mesh with Parameterized Materials
Zhen Luo, Tianxing Li and Takashi Kanai
The University of Tokyo

How to train your dog: Neural enhancement of quadruped animations
Donal Egan1, George Fletcher2, Yiguo Qiao2, Darren Cosker2 and Rachel McDonnell1
1Trinity College Dublin, 2University of Bath

Motor Babble: Morphology-Driven Coordinated Control of Articulated Characters
Avinash Ranganath, Avishek Biswas, Ioannis Karamouzas and Victor Zordan
Clemson University

PFPN: Continuous Control of Physically Simulated Characters using Particle Filtering Policy Network
Pei Xu and Ioannis Karamouzas
Clemson University

(TVCG Paper) Learning Task-Agnostic Action Spaces for Movement Optimization
Amin Babadi1, Michiel Van de Panne2, Caren Liu3, Perttu Hamalainen1
1Aalto University, 2University of British Columbia, 3Stanford University

[3:30pm-4:30pm] Keynote Speaker – Morgan McGuire

Chair: Damien Rohmer

Thursday November 11th

[9:45am-10:55am]3-Perception and appearance Paper Session

Chair: Eduard Zell

Interactive Viewpoint Exploration for Constructing View-Dependent Models
Tsukasa Fukusato and Akinobu Maejima
The University of Tokyo

Perception of Motion Variations in Large-Scale Virtual Human Crowds
Robin Adili, Benjamin Niay, Katja Zibrek, Anne-Hélène Olivier, Julien Pettré and Ludovic Hoyet
Inria, Univ. Rennes, IRISA

Emulating Foveated Path Tracing
Andreas Polychronakis1, George Alex Koulieris2 and Katerina Mania1
1Technical University of Crete, 2Durham University

Does Synthetic Voice alter Social Response to a Photorealistic Character in Virtual Reality?
Katja Zibrek1, Joao Cabral2 and Rachel McDonnell2
1Inria, 2Trinity College Dublin

[11:00am-11:15am] Posters Fast Forward

Chair: Damien Rohmer

[11:15am-12:15pm] Posters Session

a. Towards computationally efficient VR agents
Magdalena Igras-Cybulska1, Artur Cybulski2, Radoslaw Sterna3, Marta Bartoszek3, Agnieszka Siry3
1AGH University of Science and Technology, 2Upgrade, 3Jagiellonian University in Krakow
b. Democratization of real-time facial tracking frameworks for Digital Humans
Carlos L. Vilchis, Miguel Gonzalez Mendoza
Tecnologico de Monterrey
c. Physics-based character animation controllers for videogame and virtual reality production
Joan Llobera1, Joe Booth, Caecilia Charbonnier1
1Artanim Foundation
d. A Laban movement approach to creating expressive motion in animated soft-body agents
Kumar Abishek, Rank Stefan
PerCubedLab, Drexel University
e. Adaptation of the Morris maze task to human beings using an eye-tracking virtual reality environment: first steps
Jesus Moreno, Juan Manuel Jurado, José Enrique Callejas-Aguilera, Roberto Jiménez
University of Jaen
f. May I sit next to you? The effect of motion quality of virtual agents on the proximity in virtual reality
Vincent Etien1, Radoslaw Sterna2, Ludovic Hoyet1, Katja Zibrek1
1Inria Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique, 2Jagiellonian University in Krakow
g. Exploring the perception of quadruped motion retargeting
George Fletcher1, Yiguo Qiao1, Rebecca Fribourg2, Jake Deane1, Rachel McDonnel2, Darren Cosker1
1The University of Bath, 2Trinity College Dublin
h. Simulation-based optimization approach for explicit forward gait prediction
Thomas Bonis1, Nicolas Pronost1, Gilmar F. Santos2, Christof Hurschler2, Saida Bouakaz1
1Université de Lyon, 2Hannover Medical School
i. Toward Fatigue Modeling for Locomotion Tasks
Rui Xu1, Noshaba Cheema1,2, Erik Herrmann1, Perttu Hamalainen3, Philipp Slusallek1
1DFKI and Saarlan Informatics Campus, 2Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, 3Aalto University
j. Toward a Minecraft Mod for Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease in Young Adults
Satoko Ito, Ruck Thawonmas, Pujana Paliyawan
Ritsumeikan University
k. Modeling the “Gorilla Arm” Effect with Reinforcement Learning
Noshaba Cheema1, Laura A. Frey-Law2, Kourosh Naderi3, Jaakko Lehtinen4, Philipp Slusallek1, Perttu Hamalainen3
1Max-Planck Institute for Informatics and DFKI, 2University of Iowa Health Care, 3Aalto University, 4NVIDIA Research


[3:00pm-4:00pm]Keynote Speaker – Markus Gross

Chair: Ronan Boulic

[4:05pm-5:15pm]4- Physics Paper Session

Chair: Ben Jones

A Constraint-based Formulation of Incompressible Neo-Hookean Materials
Miles Macklin and Matthias Muller

ESPEFs: Exponential Spring Potential Energy Functions for Simulating Deformable Objects
Ozan Cetinaslan
Universidade do Porto

QLB: Collision-Aware Quasi-Newton Solver with Cholesky and L-BFGS for Nonlinear Time Integration
Bethany Witemeyer, Nicholas J. Weidner, Timothy A. Davis, Theodore Kim and Shinjiro Sueda
Texas A&M University

Catching and Throwing Control of a Physically Simulated Hand
Yunhao Luo1, Kaixiang Xie1, Sheldon Andrews2 and Paul Kry1
1McGill University, 2Ecole de technologie supérieure Montreal

Friday November 12th

[2:00pm-3:10pm]5- Crowd and Navigation Paper Session

Chair: Nuria Pelechano

PSM: Parametric Saliency Maps for Autonomous Pedestrians
Melissa Kremer1, Peter Caruana1, Brandon Haworth2, Mubbasir Kapadia3 and Petros Faloutsos1,4
1York University, 2University of Victoria, 3Rutgers University, 4KITE/TRI/UHN

A2X: An Agent and Environment Interaction Benchmark for Multimodal Human Trajectory Prediction
Samuel Sohn1, Mihee Lee1, Seonghyeon Moon1, Gang Qiao1, Muhammad Usman2, Sejong Yoon3, Vladimir Pavlovic1 and Mubbasir Kapadia1
1Rutgers University, 2York University, 3The College of New Jersey

SNAP:Successor Entropy based Incremental Subgoal Discovery for Adaptive Navigation
Rohit K. Dubey1, Samuel S. Sohn2, Jimmy Abualdenien1, Tyler Thrash3, Christoph Hoelscher4, Andre Borrmann1 and Mubbasir Kapadia2
1Technical University of Munich, 2Rutgers University, 3Saint Louis University, 4ETH Zurich

Interactive Simulation of Disease Contagion in Dynamic Crowds
Alon Flor, Chengguizi Han, Tao Xue and Mridul Aanjaneya
Rutgers University

[3:15pm-4:15pm]Keynote Speaker – Ryan Schmidt

Chair: Ludovic Hoyet

[4:15pm-4:45pm]Wrap-up and Awards

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